正文 第六章 垃圾食品 vs. 均衡飲食(1 / 2)



一、寫作思路 首段:首先說明現在的一種社會現象:在現代社會,很多人難以抵禦誘人的垃圾食物,對其的攝入量過大。然後說明過量吃垃圾食品對人的健康的危害,由此引出均衡飲食很重要的觀點。



二、參考範文和譯文 參考範文

Say Goodbye to Junk Foods

In modern society, few are immune to the advertising of many types of pretty, delicious junk foods, but overconsumption of junk foods can not only add pounds that you'd like to get rid of, but can have negative consequences to health.

For one thing, over-consumption of junk foods like potato chips, pizza or fast food can lead to a boost in weight and eventually obesity, which can also mean extra weight on your heart and other bodily organs. For another, bad dieting habits combined with a lack of regular exercise can even contribute to mental illness, since physical dysfunction always affects people mentally. This combination can lead to poor performance in study and work. On the contrary, a balanced diet can contribute to adequate nutrition for you, so that you can be healthy and have a good mental state.