

一、寫作思路 首段:首先說明偶像崇拜是人群中普遍存在的一種現象,然後簡單分析類似“星你”現象(即電視劇《來自星星的你》帶來的狂熱追捧韓國明星的現象)產生的原因。



二、參考範文和譯文 參考範文

Celebrity Worship

Recently, a Korean TV show, My Love from the Star, has fans both in Korea and China acting crazy, and beer and fried chicken seem to have become a favorite national food overnight. It is the "celebrity worship" that causes this kind of effect. The idolizing of celebrities is a universal phenomenon which can either help or harm the individual.

On the one hand, showing support and affections for one's favorite celebrities should be deemed normal as long as it poses no harm to anyone concerned. Actually, there is a scientific research showing that celebrity-crushes are not only common but maybe even healthy, for they can provide incentive for ordinary people to advance and enhance their lives. On the other hand, over-indulgence in these feelings can do more harm than good, as obsession with celebrities may result in blind imitation of destructive behavior, or irrational actions towards a celebrity. For example, some people committed suicide after the death of Michael Jackson. Many of those obsessed with celebrities have a dysfunctional relationship with other family members.