一、寫作思路 首段:可以說明生活在現代社會,每個人都麵臨各種各樣的壓力。壓力是生活中無法擺脫的“伴侶”,要與之友好相處,關鍵是培養積極的心態。也可以如參考範文所示,通過對漫畫的描寫引出主題:有些人看到別人和自己一樣有負麵情緒,仿佛會感到安慰;但我們應該知道,積極的心態才是解決問題的根本途徑。
二、參考範文和譯文 參考範文
Staying Positive in Tough Times
one always takes comfort in seeing that he/she is not alone in having negative feelings. It seems that seeing other people have the same negative feelings makes one comfortable; however, it is a positive mood that counts, not how many people are the same as you. In other words, it's important that we maintain optimism and never lose confidence in ourselves.
One reason this is important is that dwelling on the past, like getting poor grades in one exam or losing a job, will only make you feel worse and liable to lose control over everything else. Another is that no one can expect to have a life that runs smoothly every single day of the year, and we have to learn to experience the emotional ups and downs with a peaceful mind, so that we will finally be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel.