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Study on preparation of matrine double-sensitive conlon-specofic

pellets and in vitro release

ZHANG Yong-gang, JIE Jing*

(Wuhan Bioengineering Institute, Wuhan 430415, China)

[Abstract] Objective: To prepare matrine double-sensitive conlon-specofic pellets and study the factors affecting its quality and evaluateing the colon-specific effects of preparation.Method: Matrine enzyme-sensitive pellets core were prepared by carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan as the main carrier material,and coated the core by acrylic resin Ⅱ and Ⅲ to prepare matrine double-sensitive conlon-specofic pellets. The prescription and technology of the matrine conlon-specofic pellets were studied by the single factor investigation ,through the in vitro release test and coating rate determination.Result: The optimized process conditions: FeCl3 concentration is 4. 0 g·L-1, chitosan concentration is 3.0 g·L-1, carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan concentration is 20 g·L-1, mixed gel solution pH value is 3. The release of matrine is less than 30% in the simulation of the upper gastrointestinal medium. The release of matrine is close to 100% in simulated full gastrointestinal medium,the coating weight is 7%.Conclusion: The prepared matrine pellets have good colon positioning effect in vitro.

[Key words] matrine; double-sensitive; colon-specific; pellets
