正文 第十二章 想象力的重要性(1 / 2)









The Importance of Imagination

Imagination is an important factor that facilitates the development of our mindsin every aspect of life and study. Someone may refer to knowledge, butimagination plays a larger part in creative work for it generates differentideas and inspires a drive to acquire greater knowledge. Hence, imagination isundoubtedly quite important for the development of society.

For one thing, imagination is an indispensible part of artistic creation. Whatis conveyed in movies, music, and paintings adds color to our life, portrayingthings that may be unreal in the world around us, but real in our own minds. Foranother thing, without imagination, humans would be hundreds of years behindwhere they are now. For example, building an airplane was originally just anabstract concept in the human brain, but the Wright brothers turned it intoreality. If human beings ever stopped trying to put thought into reality, thenwe would never have the chance to further the development of ourselves and ourworld. Fortunately, the Wright brothers never stopped trying to make theirimaginations become reality.