正文 《我欲為人》:非人的同居生活(2 / 3)

Josh: Can it…can it wait?

Sally: It'll take two seconds.

Josh: I, I just want to be alone. I just wanna be alone. And see? This is the problem. You're always here, so I can never be alone.

Sally: What…where am I supposed to go?

Josh: I don't know. I don't know. Beyond【來世】? I…I don't…

Sally: Yes, please, well, like I'd rather be shacking up with【同居】 a vampire and, oh yeah, a day drinker. Josh, I was gonna get my master's, and…and now I have nothing to read but stupid blogs over your shoulder. I've tried to leave. I don't know how.

Josh: Then figure it out, Sally, figure it out, okay? Because I…my life sucks【(俚)糟糕】 enough without having to live in your purgatory【受苦受難的地方】.

Sally: You're right. I have stuff to work out. See, you don't know how lucky you are.

Josh: Lucky? Right, yeah.

Sally: Whatever's going on with you, at least you have the chance to fix it. It's a bad bump【隆起】 on the otherwise ongoing road of your life. I can't do anything. I can't change anything. I can't even drink a beer to make myself feel better. So just go on your pansy【娘娘腔】-ass【傻瓜】, mopey【悶悶不樂的】 kick【一時的熱衷】, but at least have the decency to appreciate that you haven't dropped off a cliff to nowhere! (disappears)

Josh: How did you manage to make this about you?


















“decency”意為“正派,莊重,禮節,體麵”,常常用於“have the decency to do sth.”這個固定搭配中,表示說話人認為對方應該做某事的強烈態度,例如:

I know you didn’t like him, but at least have the decency to go to his funeral! (我知道你不喜歡他,但至少講點禮節去參加他的葬禮!)


Ray: This is just the beginning, you and me.

Tomorrow we start. We'll find more of us. With your bulbous【又肥又圓的】 brain, it'll be easy.

Josh: Why would we do that?

Ray: A pack, Josh! Think about it. A whole team of us running together, living together, like nature intended【預定】.

Josh: Nature? What, you think this is natural?

Ray: It'll be incredible【極好的】! Nothing to hide from each other, nothing to fear. Vampires couldn't touch us.

Josh: Yeah, but a pack would only make us more dangerous.

Ray: Exactly! Invincible【不可戰勝的】! Safe!

Josh: What we did last night to those vampires, we...we never would have done that alone.

Ray: They're murdering leeches【螞蟥】, Josh.

Josh: I don't care! I lost control! I gave in to the wolf! Your wolf! I never want to do that again!

Ray: All right, maybe I pushed you too far. We can take it slower.

Josh: I don't wanna take it slower! I was gonna tell you this tomorrow, after the Moon, but I think it's time you headed out.

Ray: You're joking.

Josh: No. Thank you. I am grateful for everything that you've taught me, but I can manage.

Ray: You can't even say "transform" without looking like you're gonna puke【嘔吐】! You keep on talking about the wolf like it's some kind of monster in a fairy tale, like it's not you!

Josh: It isn't me! It's an infection【感染】, a disease!

Ray: You don't have to suffer! You don't have to be alone! None of us do!

Josh: I, I think maybe changing together isn't such a good idea.

Ray: What? Now you're gonna sulk【生悶氣】?

Josh: You take the shed【小屋】. I'll find another place.

Ray: I won't abandon you, not while you're still living with that blood-monger【不良行為的參與者】! Come on, Josh! It's not safe! We protect each other.

Josh: No, we don't! You make it worse for me! You make everything worse for me!

Ray: You don't understand. I've been looking for you for two years!

Josh: Two years?

Ray: I wanted to tell you earlier. I'm the one you met on that camping trip.

Josh: No…

Ray: I'm the one who turned you. I'm the one who gave you this gift.

Josh: You…you can't be.

Ray: I was roaming【閑逛】 the forest in Maine. I attacked two backpackers. One of them died, and one was wounded, a scratch【抓傷】 on the shoulder. I checked the paper for days after. I found your name.