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Analgesic effect of ferulic acid on CCI mice: behavior and
neurobiological analysis
LV Wei-hong1, ZHANG Lu2, WU Shu-juan3, CHEN Sai-zhen2, ZHU Xin-bo3, PAN Jian-chun3*
(1、 Department of Pharmacy, Wenling traditional Chinese medical hospital, Taizhou , China;
2、 Department of Pharmacy, Taizhou Central Hospital, Taizhou , China;
3、 Department of Pharmacology, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou , China)
[Abstract] To study the analgesic effect of chronic administration with ferulic acid, and preliminarily discuss its mechanism、 Thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia tests were conducted to observe the analgesic effect of chronic administration with ferulic acid on CCI mice、 The neurochemical detection method was applied to observe the effect chronic administration with ferulic acid on monoamine neurotransmitter and monoamine oxidase activity、 Compared with the normal group, CCI mice showed notable reduction in heat sensation and nociceptive threshold in and mechanical allodynia、 Ferulic acid (10, 20, 40 and 80 mg·kg-1, po) could significantly reverse the situations、 In an in-depth study, we found that the reason for these results was that ferulic acid was dose-dependent in increasing 5-HT and NE levels in hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdale and could inhibit MAO-A activity in mouse brains、 These results showed that ferulic acid has the analgesic effect、 Its mechanism may be related to the inhibition of monoamine oxidase activity and the increase in monoamine neurotransmitter in mouse brains、
[Key words] ferulic acid; pain; monoamine neurotransmitter; monoamine oxidase