正文 基於HPLC—Q—TOF_MS的代謝組學方法用於解毒祛瘀滋陰方對係統性紅斑狼瘡幹預作用的研究(3 / 3)

2、1 血清樣品的LC-MS分析利用ESI正、負離子模式分別采集血清樣本數據,得到血清樣本的TIC圖。為保證數據的可靠性,在數據采集過程中,每間隔8個樣本,使用質量控製品進樣一次,以監測采集係統的穩定性。以精確質量數、峰麵積和保留時間作為係統穩定性的檢測指標。分析數據采集過程質量控製品的TIC圖,采用6個特征峰的離子精確質量、保留時間和峰麵積數據。結果顯示,所選特征峰的保留時間偏移*

(Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou , China)

[Abstract] To establish a metabonomic method based on high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-TOF/MS), in order to study the changes in serum metabolites of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) mice after treatment of Jieduquyuziyin prescription, the pathogenesis of SLE and mechanism of drug action、 The orthogonal partial least squares (OPLS) was applied for the pattern recognition of experimental data, finding a significant difference in the control group, the SLE model group, the Jieduquyuziyin prescription-treated group and the prednisone acetate-treated group、 According to the OPLS load diagram, 12 differential metabolites, including traumatic acid, PAF, 12 (S)-HEPE, 15(S)-HETrE and Hepoxilin B3 were identified by using accurate mass combined with MS/MS data、 After treatment with Jieduquyuziyin prescription, the relative contents of PAF, 12(S)-HETE were close to the level of the control group、 According to the analysis on metabolic pathway, SLE could cause significant changes in unsaturated fatty acid and amino acid metabolism pathway, while Jieduquyuziyin prescription has a effect in regulating disorder of unsaturated fatty acid metabolism pathway、

[Key words] metabolomics; systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE); Jieduquyuziyin prescription; HPLC-Q-TOF/MS; OPLS

