正文 LC—MS_MS測定大鼠血漿中咖啡酸、綠原酸及其藥代動力學研究(3 / 3)

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Study on determination of caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid in rat plasma and

their pharmacokinetics with LC-MS/MS

DAI Guo-liang1, MA Shi-tang1 , LIU Shi-jia2 , CHENG Xiao-gui1 , ZANG Yu-xin1 , JU Wen-zheng2* , TAN Heng-shan3

(1、 College of Pharmacy of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China;

2、 Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China;

3、 Department of Clinical Pharmacology, General Hospital of Nanjing Military Area Command, Nanjing , China)

[Abstract] To establish a LC-MS/MS method to determine caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid in rat plasma and study their pharmacokinetics in rats、 Six Sprague-Dawley rats were intravenously injected with 4 mL·kg-1 of Dengzhanxixin injection, respectively、 Their drug plasma concentration was determined by LC-MS/MS, with tinidazole as an internal standard、 The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS 1、0、 The linear concentration ranges of caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid were 2-128 μg·L-1 (r=0、998 1) and 3-384 μg·L-1 (r=0、998 7), respectively、 The methodological test showed conformance to the requirements、 The intraday and inter-day variable coefficients were both less than 10、0%, indicating that both of legitimate precise and accuracy were in conformity with the requirements of biological sample analysis、For caffeic acid, the pharmacokinetic parameter t1/2β, AUC0-t, and CL were (130、91±38、77) min,(4、89±0、96) mg·min·L-1 and (0、12±0、02) L·min-1·kg-1, respectively、 For chlorogenic acid, the pharmacokinetic parameter t1/2β, AUC0-t and CL were (49、38±8、85) min,(9、54±0、95) mg·min·L-1 and (0、09±0、003) L·min-1·kg-1, respectively、 The LC-MS/MS analysis method established in this study was proved to be so accurate and sensitive that it can be applied to the pharmacokinetic study of caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid、

[Key words] Dengzhanxixin injection; chlorogenic acid; caffeic acid; rat; pharmacokinetics; LC-MS/MS

