正文 腦微透析與自動采血技術聯用研究丹參素的藥動學特性(3 / 3)

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Pharmacokinetics study on Danshensu in rats by brain

microdialysis and automated blood technique

JI Lian-ying1, YANG Zhi-hong1*, HOU Cong-song1, 2, SUN Xiao-bo1*

(1、Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and

Peking Union Medical College, Beijing , China;

2、 Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou , China)

[Abstract] To research the pharmacokinetic of Danshensu in brain via microdialysis method and automated blood technique、 A microdialysis probe was inserted into the left lateral ventricle, and then dialysate samples and blood samples were continuously collected after iv Danshensu、 LC-MS/MS was used to determinate for Danshensu in the dialysate samples、 The in vivo recovery was used for the calibration of probe、 WinNonlin was used for analyzing all pharmacokinetic data、 Pharmacokinetic parameters of DSS in blood and in brain showed that Ke, t1/2, AUC0-t, MRT were 0、04, 0、018 min-1, 16、64, 58、76 min, 812、59, 51、19 min·mg·L-1, 15、28,79、97 min, respectively、 The results were indicated that the study was successfully established LC-MS/MS detection method for Danshensu、 Microdialysis combined with automated blood technique could better reflect the dynamic characteristics of Danshensu in the rat brain, and it provides a new perspective for pharmacokinetic study、

[Key words] danshensu; pharmacokinetics; microdialysis; automated blood; LC-MS/MS

