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Comparative pharmacokinetic studies of borneol in brain and plasma of
stroke or sham-operated rats after administration of Xingnaojing
XU Pan, DU Shou-ying*, LI Ying, LU Yang*, BAI Jie, GUO Qing-li
(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing , China)
[Abstract] In order to research the pharmacokinetic characteristic of borneol in plasma and brain of stroke rats given XNJ and investigate the influence of stroke on the borneol passing through the blood-brain barrier, this study established the GC to determine the borneol in brain and blood, and made the stroke mode rats by middle carotid artery occlusion (MCAO) and set sham-operated group、 After oral administration of Xingnaojing (XNJ) suspension, their blood and brain were collected at different time and detected by GC、 The data was analysed by Kinetica、 Results showed that in stroke group, the Cmax and AUC0-t of brain and plasma are (1、82±0、825),(1、35±0、43) mg·L-1 and (123、39±55、82),(87、91±39、81) mg·L-1·min, Te (brain/blood drug ratio) was 70、93%; those pharmacokinetic values were larger than in sham-operated group、 We can conclude that the pathological state of stroke can increase the amount of borneol permeating into brain、
[Key words] borneol; Xingnaojing; brain; pharmacokinetics