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[19] Robert Pekkanen and Ellis S。 Krauss, \"Japan's Coalition of the Willing' on Security Polices\", Orbis, Summer 2005; Christopher W。 Hughes, \"Why Japan Could Revise Its Constitution and What It World Mean For Japan Policy\", Orbis, Fall 2006, pp。 725-744.
[20] Koro Bessho, \"Identities and Security in East Asia\", Adelphi Paper 325, 1999, pp。 13-37.
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[24] 從沃爾茲的新現實主義理論來說,日本20世紀90年代末以來的“聯美抑華”的戰略選擇甚至是某種“例外”,因為“製衡”如果是國家為了保障安全的現實需要,肯尼斯·沃爾茲認為,這樣的“製衡”對象應該首選強者,而不是“弱者”。參見Kenneth N。 Waltz, Theory of International Politics, pp。 126-127;日本的實際對華政策中後期到21世紀初一直也是在“製衡”與“合作”中平衡,“合作”的一麵還比較突出。參見Michael J。 Green, Japan's Reluctant Realism, pp。 81-102.
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[29] David Shambaugh, \"Asia in Transition: The Evolving Regional Order\", Current History, April 2006, p。 158.
[30] Samuel P。 Huntington, \"Japan's Role in Global Politics\", International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Vol。 1, No。 1, 2001, p。 142.
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[32] Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham, The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, London: Penguin, 1998, pp。 209-210.
[33] James M。 Goldgeier and Michael McFaul, \"A Tale of Two Worlds: Core and Periphery in the Post-Cold War Era\", International Organization, Vol。 46, No。 2, 1992, p。 467.
[34] 添穀芳秀:《日本の「ミドルパワー」外交——戦後日本の選択と構想》,東京,築摩書房,2005.
[35] Kenneth N。 Waltz,\"The Emerging Structure of International Politics\", Internationat Security, Vol。 18, No。 2, 1993, p。 66.
[36] David Pilling, \"Abe Aims to Secure Japan's World Status\", Financial Times, October 31, 2006.
[37] Qingxin Ken Wang, \"Hegemony and Socialization of the Mass Public: The Case of Postwar Japan's Cooperation with the United States on China Policy\", Review of International Studies, Vol。 29, No。 1 (2003), pp。 99-119.
[38] Christopher W。 Hughes, Japan's Re-Emergence as a \"Normal Military Power\", Adelphi Papers 368-9, p。 14.
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[42] Charles Krauthammer, \"The Japan Card\", Washington Post, January 3, 2003.
[43] Robert Pekkanen and Ellis S。 Krauss, \"Japan's Coalition of the Willing' on Security Polices\"。
[44] Willem van Kemmende, China and Japan: Partners or Permanent Rivals? Clingendael: Netherlands Institute of International Relations, 2006, pp。 41-52.
[45] Richard MacGregor and David Ibison, \"Koizumi in Hot Soup with China over War Shrine\", Financial Times, February 7, 2006.
[46] Michael J。 Green, \"Managing Chinese Power: The View from Japan\", in Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert S。 Ross, eds。, Engaing China: The Management of An Emerging Power, London: Routledge, 1999, p。 171.
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[48] David Pilling, \"Abe Aims to Secure Japan's World Status\", Financial Times, October 31, 2006.
[49] Ming Wan, Sino-Japan Relations: Interaction, Logic and Transformation, pp。 33-39; Robert Sutter, \"China and Japan: Trouble Ahead?\" The Washington Quarterly, Vol。 25, No。 4 (Autumn 2002), pp。 37-49.
[50] Koro Bessho, \"Identities and Security in East Asia\", p。 13.
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[54] Christopher W。 Hughes, Japan's Re-Emergence as a \"Normal Military Power\", Adelphi Papers 368-369.
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