正文 本科院校自動化專業實驗教學模式初探(1 / 3)



作者:賈鶴鳴 戴天虹 吳迪

摘 要 自動化實驗即控製係統設計大實驗,是自動化、電氣工程及其自動化等專業必修的一門重要課程。該實驗能使學生熟練掌握基本技能的操作,加深對理論知識的理解,培養學生分析問題和解決問題的能力。但傳統的自動化實驗教學模式中存在許多不足之處,尤其在農林本科院校中,問題較為突出。針對存在的問題,對當前自動化實驗的教學模式進行一些改革嚐試,以更加適應社會的需求。

關鍵詞 自動化實驗;教學改革;教學模式

中圖分類號:G642.423 文獻標識碼:B


Study on Experimental Teaching Mode of College Automation Department//JIA Heming, DAI Tianhong, WU Di

Abstract Automatic control system design the experiment is automation, electrical engineering and automation, one of the most important courses for students. This experiment can make students master the basic skills, deepen the understanding of theoretical knowledge, to cultivate students’ ability to analyze and solve problems. But there are many shortcomings in the traditional teaching mode of experiment of automation, especially in agriculture and forestry universities and colleges of undergraduate course, the problem is more prominent. In view of the existing problems, the reform of the current automation experiment teaching mode, to adapt to the need of the society.

Key words automation experiment; teaching reform; teaching mode



1 本科高校自動化實驗教學存在的主要問題
