4.4 儲藏中化學成分的變化
據報道,忍冬L. japonica花蕾采收後室溫下攤平,晾幹後貯藏,1個月後,綠原酸和總黃酮顯著下降,3個月後,僅為采收時的50%~60%[10]。采用紙袋和麻袋包裝儲藏,在常溫下儲藏半年,其綠原酸含量變化較少。用紙袋包裝在常溫下,半年之內,藥材中灰氈毛忍冬皂苷乙和川續斷皂苷乙含量基本穩定;不同包裝中,咖啡酸、3,5二咖啡酰奎寧酸、木犀草苷,其含量在1年內基本穩定,說明咖啡酸、3,5二咖啡酰奎寧酸、木犀草苷的穩定性優於綠原酸、灰氈毛忍冬皂苷乙和川續斷皂苷乙的穩定性,不易受環境變化的影響。隨著儲藏時間的延長,咖啡酸含量的升逐漸升高,本研究其餘成分則下降。綠原酸、3,5二咖啡酰奎寧酸分別都含有一個咖啡酸的基團,推測可能是由於綠原酸、3,5二咖啡酰奎寧酸的分解引起的。
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Impact of storage conditions and time on herb of
Lonicera macranthoides
MA Peng, LI Long-yun*, ZHANG Ying
(Institute of Material Medical Planting, Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica, Chongqing
Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Resources, Chongqing 400065, China)
[Abstract] To study the effect of different storage conditions and storage time on herb quality of Lonicera macranthoides, different packaging materials including vacuum plastic bags, plastic bags, woven bags, sealed with endometrial bags, paper bags, sack bags were selected for the study under different storage conditions including room temperature, 5 ℃ refrigerator, low temperature of -20 ℃ refrigerator and desiccator. Twenty-four batches of samples were used for the study, and active ingredients were determined. The experimental results showed that the ingredients in each storage group changed with the storage time, storage conditions (storage environment, packaging). Under the same storage time, the storage environment (temperature, humidity) had effect on the stability of herb quality. Low temperature had less effect on herb quality. The effect of packaging on herb quality was as following: plastic vacuum packaging> woven with endometrial sealed packaging> plastic bag> woven bag> sack bags > paper bags. Under the same storage conditions, with the increase of storage time, caffeic acid content increased slowly, and other five ingredients content decreased gradually. Storage time affected significantly on the intrinsic quality (chemical composition) and appearance of herb.It is suggested that low temperature (5 ℃), dark and sealed storage are suitable for storage of L. macranthoides herb, the storage time should be not more than 24 months.
[Key words] Lonicera; storage means; storage time; HPLC; quality of medicinal matieral