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Study on decoction′s effect of different processed rhizomes of
Cibotium barometz on retinoic acid induced male rats osteoporosis
XU Gang 2, 3, SUN Na 2, 3, ZHAO Min-jie 2, 3, JU Cheng-guo 2, 3, JIA Tian-zhu 2, 3*
(1.School of Pharmacy Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dalian 116600, China;
2.Chinese Materia Medica Processing Engineering Center of Liaoning Province, Dalian 116600, China;
3.The Key Laboratory of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dalian 116600, China)
[Abstract] This study compared the decoction′s HPLC figures of the different processed rhizomes of Cibotium barometz including the raw, the sand-baked, the wined, the steamed and the salted, on the basis of which, with the sand-baked Drynaria fortunei decoction as the positive control group, comparingall groups′decoction, concentration of which was 104.2 g·L-1, for 4 weeks, by their effects (s-TRAP and total scores of OPG, Ca, P, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-1) on retinoic acid induced male rats osteoporosis. The experiment results showed the sand-baked and the wined were better than the steamed, the salted and the raw;in the processing methods′ selection, the sand-baked was a better heating method than the steamed and the rice wine was the better excipient than the salt. It provided a reference to explain the processing principle of rhizomes of C. barometz and work mechanism of anti-osteoporosis.
[Key words] Cibotium barometz; processed products; decoction; retinoic acid; osteoporosis; osteoclast