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Determination of five components in Rongxin pills by HPLC
CHU Zhong-ying*, WU Li-hong, TIAN Lan
(Shanghai Songjiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Shanghai 201600, China)
[Abstract] To establish a method for determination contents of schizandrin,tanshinone Ⅰ,cryptotanshinone,tanshinoneⅡA and schizandrin B in rongxin pills. The HPLC method was performed on an Agilent C18. The mobile phase was composed of methnol and water wish gradient elution. The flow rate was 1.0 mL·min-1. The column temperature was 30 ℃ and the detection wavelength wash 240 nm. The linear of schizandrin,tanshinone Ⅰ,cryptotanshinone, TanshinoneⅡA and schizandrin B were 3.000-48.00(r=1.000), 3.985-63.76(r=0.999 9), 6.370-101.9(r=1.000), 8.690-139.0(r=0.999 9), 1.700-27.20 mg·L-1(r=0.999 9),respectively. The average recoveries were 98.44%, 100.3%, 99.29%, 99.07%, 98.42%, and RSDs were 0.61%, 1.1%, 0.52%, 0.72%, 0.97%. The method is convenient, accurate and has good precision. It can be used for determination of the preparation.
[Key words] Rongxin pills; schizandrin; tanshinone I; cryptotanshinone; tanshinoneⅡA; schizandrin B; HPLC