正文 瀕危藥用植物八角蓮菌根的顯微結構觀察(3 / 3)

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Microscopic observation on mycorrhiza of rare herb Dysosma versipellis

TAN Xiao-ming, YU Li-ying, ZHOU Ya-qin*, ZHOU Xiao-lei, WEI Ying

(National Engineering Laboratory of Southwest Endangered Medicinal Resources Development,

National Development and Reform Commission, Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant, Nanning , China)

[Abstract] Endophytic fungi played an important role in the growth of its host plant. To investigate the mycorrhizal characteristics and the distribution of fungi in the root, an endangered wild plant-Dysosma versipellis was collected and observed by electron microscope. The results showed that the host was closely associated with endophytic fungi. The fungi were mainly distributed in the epidermis and cortex. The aseptate and septate fungi with swollen hyphae were observed in some cell of the cortex. The result provides a reference for the study of mycorrhizal structure of Dysosma genus and the interaction between the fungi and its host.

[Key words] Dysosma versipellis; endophytic fungi; swollen hyphae
