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Optimization of formulas of Quban gel by uniform design
GUO Hong-ye, YAN Xiao-ping*, YI Bo-wen, ZHENG Rui, KUANG Ying
(Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing , China)
[Abstract] Objective: To optimize formulas of Quban gel. Method: The U6 (62×3) uniform design was adopted to optimize gel formulas, with rheological parameters, such as viscosity and yield value in room temperature, viscosity and yield value in average temperature of skin, thixlotropy. Result: The optimum proportion of matrix was made of 1.0 g carbomer 940, 5 mL glycerin and pH value 5-6.Conclusion: The regression model for gel matrix quality and gel rheological parameters was established to directly reflect the impacting effect of various factors, and provide certain preference basis for the screening of gel matrix formulas. Quban gel prepared by the method was evenly distributed, moderately viscous and highly thixotropic
[Key words] uniform design; Quban gel; rheology; matrix formula