正文 淫羊藿總黃酮的生物轉化過程分析(3 / 3)

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Analysis on biotransformation of Epimedium brevicornu flavonoids

GAO Xia1, 2, LIU Xuan1, 2, CHEN Yan1*, WANG Ying1, JIA Xiao-bin1

(1. Key Laboratory of New Type Drug Administration System of Traditional Chinese Medicines of

Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Chinese Medicine, Key Laboratory of Drug Release System of Oral

Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparations under State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China;

2. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu , China)

[Abstract] This study aims to investigate the biotransformation of Epimedium brevicornu flavonoids under the effect of hydrolytic enzymes in vitro. Snailase was mainly used to hydrolyze E.brevicornu flavonoids, and HPLC was used to determine the content of the main flavonoids in E.brevicornu flavonoids. The data results showed that the main known flavonoids included icariin, epimedin A, epimendin B and epimendin C, which were completely transformed into baohuoside I, sagittatoside A, sagittatoside B and 2″-O-rhamnosylicariside II in 1-2 h, respectively. Their transformed products were continuously hydrolyzed over time. In conclusion, snailase could transform E.brevicornu flavonoids into secondary glycoside or aglycone under 37 ℃ in pH 6.0 HBSS balanced salt solution in 2 h. Moreover, its enzymatic hydrolysates were consistent with intestinal metabolites.

[Key words] Epimedium brevicornu flavonoids; snailase; biotransformation
