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Studies on quality evaluation of Dendrobii devoniani
GAN Xiao-na1,2, XU Ying1,2, XU Hong1,2, LIU Jia-bao3, YANG Li1,2*, WANG Zheng-tao1,2
(1.The MOE Key Laboratory for Standardization of Chinese Medicines and Key Laboratory of Complex Prescription,
Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai , China;
2. Shanghai R&D Center for Standardization of Traditional Chinese Medicines, Shanghai , China;
3. Forestry Administration of Longling County, Baoshan , China)
[Abstract] To establish the local quality standard for Dendrobii devoniani caulis from Longling, Yunnan, the pharmacognostic characteristics microscopic characteristics and TLC identification were developed. Sulfuric acid-phenol method was used to determine the content of polysaccharide.An HPLC method was adopted to determine the content of mannose, and extractives were determined according to the procedures recorded in the Appendix of Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2010). The results showed a strong characteristics microscopic of Dendrobii devoniani caulis, and its TLC identification had a good resolution with clear spots; the content of polysaccharide is 35.7%-52.1%(average 42.7%), mannose 27.8%-46.1%(average 35.8%), and extract 4.5%-10.6%(average 7.38%). The method is simple, accurate and reliable, with good reproducibility. The established standard is acceptable for quality evaluation of Dendrobii devoniani caulis from Longling, Yunnan.
[Key words] Dendrobii devoniani; quality standard; TLC identification; assay