正文 咖啡酸在大鼠體內的絕對生物利用度及其在腸道吸收特性的研究(3 / 3)

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Absolute bioavailability of caffeic acid in rats and its

intestinal absorption properties

ZENG Jie1, WANG Su-jun1*, YANG Ben-kun1, ZHONG Yun-ming1, ZANG Lin-quan1, WANG Ling-li2

(1.Clinical pharmacy Department of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou , China;

2.Mathematical Engineering Institute of Dongguan Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

Guangdong , China)

[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the absolute bioavailability of caffeic acid in rats and its intestinal absorption properties. Method: The absolute bioavailability (Fabs) of caffeic acid was obtained after iv (2 mg·kg-1) or ig (10 mg·kg-1) administration to rats. The intestinal absorption of caffeic acid was explored by the recirculating vascularly perfused rat intestinal preparation. Caco-2 cell model was applied to measure the permeability of caffeic acid from apical to basolateral said (A-B) and from basolateral to apical said (B-A). Result: A two-compartment pharmacokinetic model was best to describe the pharmacokinetics of caffeic acid following iv or ig administration. The Fabs of caffeic acid was 14.7%, and its intestinal absorption was 12.4%. The values of Papp A→Band Papp B→A of caffeic acid were retained stable while its concentration was changed. The efflux ratio values in this study surveyed were above 2.0, and suggesting caffeic acid was active transport. Conclusion: Caffeic acid was shown to have poor permeability across the Caco-2 cells, low intestinal absorption and low oral bioavailability in rats.

[Key words] caffeic acid; bioavailability; intestinal absorption; permeability
