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Analysis of clinical efficacy of combination therapy of small needle knife and
Daqinjiu Tang in treatment of periarthritis of shoulder
WANG Yong-jian
(Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Yiwu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yiwu , China)
[Abstract] In order to explore the clinical effect of combination therapy of small needle knife and Daqinjiu Tang in treatment of periarthritis of shoulder, 118 patients with periarthritis of shoulder were divided into control group (59) and experimental group (59) evenly and randomly. Control group received treatment of small needle knife while experimental group received combination therapy of small needle knife and Daqinjiu Tang. Clinical efficacy, shoulder pain and shoulder function were assessed and analyzed between groups before and after treatments. It was showed that the total therapeutic efficacy of experimental group was significantly higher than that of control group (P
[Key words] periarthritis of shoulder; small needle knife; Daqinjiu Tang