正文 對控製手術危險因素後原發性肝癌患者複發的影響因素研究(1 / 3)




[摘要] 目的 探討對手術危險因素控製後原發性肝癌患者複發的影響因素研究。 方法 收集2008年6月~2013年6月期間本院住院治療的肝癌且行肝切除手術患者285例,統計和分析的指標包括術前患者的一般資料、性別、年齡等基本資料;血液學指標:ALT、ALP、GGT;術中患者的相關指標:失血量以及手術時間;術後觀察指標:肝功能情況及術後記錄,根據病理結果確定腫瘤的直徑、是否多個病灶、分化程度等指標,定期複查並記錄複發的時間。 結果 術前GGT含量、腫瘤的直徑、腫瘤病灶的個數、腫瘤的分化程度以及術後肝功能是否不全為肝癌患者三年複發的相關影響因素;術前GGT含量、腫瘤的直徑、腫瘤病灶的個數、腫瘤的分化程度以及術後肝功能是否不全均為肝細胞癌症患者三年複發的獨立影響因素。 結論 術前GGT含量、腫瘤直徑、腫瘤病灶的個數、腫瘤的分化程度以及術後肝功能不全均為肝癌患者三年複發的獨立影響因素,在臨床上對具有該類特征的肝癌患者要引起足夠重視,積極提升患者的預後。

[關鍵詞] 手術危險因素;原發性肝癌;複發;影響因素

[中圖分類號] R735.7 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0026-03

Study of the influence factors on the recurrence patients with primary liver cancer after controlling the risk factors of operation

XING Yongjun1 YE Guanxiong2 WU Wenyuan1 YANG Yuetao1

1.The Twenty-two Ward of Lishui People's Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Lishui 323000, China; 2.Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Lishui People's Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Lishui 323000, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the influence factors on the recurrence patients with primary liver cancer after controlling the risk factors of operation. Methods All 285 patients with primary liver cell cancer and underwent liver resection surgery in our hospital from June 2008 to June 2013, and analyzed the indicators included general data, such as patients gender, age and other basic information, and hematological indexes, such as alanine aminotransferase(ALT), alkaline phosphatase(ALP), glutamate transpeptidase(GGT), and the relevant indicators during operation included the amount of blood loss undergoing the operation and the operation time, and observation indexes after operation including liver function, postoperative pathological results recorded according to determine tumor diameter, whether multiple lesions, differentiation degree, checked regularly and recorded the time of recurrence. Results The preoperative GGT content, tumor diameter, number of tumors, tumor differentiation degree and whether postoperative liver function is complete or _disibledevent=0.000)。