[摘要] 目的 探討局部注射與按壓分推手法在腕背腱鞘囊腫治療中的聯合應用意義。 方法 選取2013年1~12月期間我院所收治的腕背腱鞘囊腫患者90例,隨機分為研究組和對照組。對照組采用局部注射療法進行治療,研究組在對照組基礎上采用按壓分推手法聯合治療,對兩組患者的臨床治療情況進行比較。 結果 研究組臨床治愈率和總有效率分別為62.22%(28/45)和95.56%(43/45),均顯著高於對照組的40.00%(18/45)和71.11%(32/45),差異均有統計學意義(P
[關鍵詞] 腕背腱鞘囊腫;局部注射;按壓分推手法
[中圖分類號] R686.1 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0047-03
Clinical studies of local injection combined with presses and push manipulation therapy for dorsal carpal ganglion cyst
DUAN Xiaotian
Department of Orthopedics,Renhe Orthopaedic Hospital of Liaoyang City, Liaoyang 111000, China
[Abstract] Objective To probe into applications value of local injection combined with presses and push manipulation therapy for dorsal carpal ganglion cyst. Methods From January to December 2013, 90 dorsal carpal ganglion cyst patients were selected in our hospital. The patients were divided into study group and the control group randomly. The patients in control group were treated with local injection therapy while the patients in study group were treated with local injection therapy combined with presses and push manipulation therapy. The clinical treatment effects of the patients in two groups were compared and analyzed. Results The ratios of cure and total effective of the patients in study group was 62.22% (28/45) and 95.56% (43/45). The ratios of cure and total effective of the patients in control group was 40.00% (18/45) and 71.11% (43/45). The differences were statistically significant (P
[Key words] Dorsal wrist ganglion cyst; Local injection; Presses and push manipulation
隨著腱鞘囊腫(ganglion cyst)發病率的日益攀升,其已成為臨床常見病和多發病[1]。腱鞘囊腫往往是指發生在患者關節部腱鞘內的一種囊性腫物,其也是關節囊周圍結締組織發生退變所導致的一種臨床病症[2]。腱鞘囊腫的主要患病群體為青壯年人群,並且其中以女性居多,患病部位則多發於患者的腕背或足背部,從而在危害患者身體健康的同時,也在某種意義上幹擾了患者正常的工作、學習、生活[3]。因此,我院以2013年1~12月期間所收治的腕背腱鞘囊腫患者作為本次臨床研究對象,並對局部藥物注射療法與按壓分推手法在腕背腱鞘囊腫患者中的聯合應用意義予以研究和探討,現報道如下。