正文 原發性肺癌患者術後生存分析及影響因素評估(1 / 3)




[摘要] 目的 研究原發性肺癌患者的術後生存情況並評估影響術後生存的因素。 方法 回顧性分析2008年3月~2010年8月期間在我院住院治療的肺癌患者作為研究對象,收集病案資料並隨訪術後的生存情況。 結果 本次研究中1、3、5年的生存率為66.67%、32.05%、14.10%,中位生存期為18.6個月;單因素log-rank分析表明腫瘤家族史(χ2=7.073,P=0.042)、疾病檢出方式(χ2=20.082,P=0.012)、淋巴轉移(χ2=13.051,P=0.018)、臨床分期(χ2=12.052,P=0.019)、治療方式(χ2=10.262,P=0.020)等對生存率具有顯著的影響;Cox多元回歸分析的結果表明:檢出方式(RR=4.132,95%CI:1.732~8.060)、是否淋巴轉移(RR=3.024,95%CI:1.554~6.234)、臨床分期較晚(RR=2.802,95%CI:1.572~5.903)、治療方式(RR=2.487,95%CI:1.421~6.022)是影響原發性肺癌生存的重要因素。 結論 早期發現和診療、是否轉移、治療方式等因素是影響原發性肺癌術後生存的重要因素,應加強對肺癌的早期篩查,以提高患者的生存時間。

[關鍵詞] 原發性肺癌;影響因素;生存分析

[中圖分類號] R734.2 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0050-03

Analysis of postoperative survival and assessment of influencing factors for patients with primary lung cancer

SUN Lili

Department of Oncology, General Hospital of Fushun Bureau of Mining in Liaoning Province, Fushun 113008, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate postoperative surviving conditions of patients with primary lung cancer and to evaluate factors influencing postoperative survival. Methods The study adopted the method of retrospective study. Patients with lung cancer who were hospitalized in our hospital from March 2008 to August 2010 were collected as research subjects. Medical records were collected and postoperative surviving conditions were followed-up. Results 1-year, 3-year and 5-year survival rates in this study were 66.67%, 32.05% and 14.10% respectively, and the median survival time was 18.6 months; single-factor log-rank analysis showed that family history of cancer (χ2=7.073, P=0.042), detection methods of diseases (χ2=20.082, P=0.012), lymphatic metastasis (χ2=13.051, P=0.018), clinical stages (χ2=12.052, P=0.019), and treatment methods (χ2=10.262, P=0.020) had significant effects on survival rate; results of Cox multiple regression analysis showed that detection methods (RR=4.132, 95%CI:1.732-8.060), whether lymphatic metastasis had occurred (RR=3.024, 95%CI:1.554-6.234), late clinical stage (RR=2.802, 95%CI:1.572-5.903), and treatment methods (RR=2.487, 95%CI:1.421-6.022) were significant factors influencing the survival of primary lung cancer. Conclusion Early detection and treatment, whether the cancer has metastasized, and treatment methods are significant factors influencing postoperative survival of primary lung cancer. Early screening of lung cancer should be strengthened so as to prolong patients' survival time.