正文 腺泡狀軟組織肉瘤的針吸細胞學診斷(1 / 3)




[摘要] 目的 探討針吸細胞學對腺泡狀軟組織肉瘤的診斷要點與價值。 方法 回顧11例ASPS的FNAC資料及相關臨床表現,觀察ASPS的細胞學特征,分析其診斷價值。 結果 11例中男4例,女7例,平均年齡27.2歲,10例腫塊位於下肢,1例在乳房與下肢各有一腫塊。ASPS的細胞學具有一定的共同特征:吸出血性標本、瘤細胞胞漿豐富嗜酸、部分為裸核、核圓形、核仁明顯,最為明顯的特征是有多種形態的結晶小體。 結論 利用ASPS的細胞學特征,尤其是多種形態的結晶小體可與化學感受器瘤、透明細胞肉瘤、腺泡狀橫紋肌肉瘤、透明細胞癌等鑒別。FNAC是術前診斷ASPS的極為有效的方法。

[關鍵詞] 腺泡狀軟組織肉瘤;針吸細胞學;診斷

[中圖分類號] R738.6 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0063-04

Cytological diagnosis of alveolar soft part sarcoma needle aspiration

ZHU Siguo1 WANG Fei2 YU Bo3

1.Department of Clinical Laboratory of Hubei province Jianli County People's Hospital,Jianli 433300, China;2.Department of Pathology, Yichang Central Hospital of Hubei Province,Yichang 443000,China;3.Laboratory of the First People's Hospital of Xiangyang City in Hubei Province,Xiangyang 441000, China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the diagnostic criteria and clinical value of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) for alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS). Methods The data of FNAC and related clinical manifestations of 11 ASPS cases were reviewed, and cytological features were observed, in order to analyze the diagnostic value of FNAC in ASPS. Results Among the 11 ASPS cases, four were males and seven were females, with the average age of 27.2 years old. The locations of the ASPS in ten cases were found in lower extremity, and one case in both breast and lower extremity. The cytological features of ASPS were similar in some aspects, such as suction of hemorrhagic specimen, tumor cells with abundant cytoplasm, part of tumor cells characterized with bare nucleus, rounded nucleus, and distinct nucleolus in nuclei, and the most obvious characterization with multi-morphological crystalline particles. Conclusion Cytological features of ASPS, especially multi-morphological crystalline particles can distinguish ASPS from chemodectoma, clear cell sarcoma, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, and clear cell carcinoma. Therefore, FNAC is an extremely effective method for preoperative diagnosis of ASPS.

[Key words] Alveolar soft part sarcoma;Fine needle aspiration cytology;Diagnosis

腺泡狀軟組織肉瘤(alveolar soft part sarcoma,ASPS)是一種少見的惡性軟組織肉瘤,由Christopherson等於1952年首先進行描述後,人們對其研究不斷,爭論不斷,在2013年的世界衛生組織(WHO)軟組織腫瘤分類中,仍將其歸為不能確定分化的惡性腫瘤中。多年來國內外對ASPS的研究主要集中於免疫表型與遺傳學等方麵,但術前診斷一直缺乏好的手段,以至術前誤診率高達97%[1]。本人在多年的工作中體會到針吸細胞學(fine needle aspiration cytology,FNAC)是術前診斷ASPS的極好方法,但國內介紹其細胞學診斷的文獻卻極少:2005年在全國細胞病理學學術會議論文集中,有一位日本同仁用英文簡單介紹了一例個案[2],但無任何細胞學圖片;2008年,林凡、晉雯等[3]在專著中對其進行了診斷描述,但圖文簡單,且在圖片中沒有展示其極具診斷特征的結晶小體;本人曾在2009年對其4例進行過探討[4],但不全麵欠深入。我們現在收集整理了三家醫院共11例經FNAC診斷的ASPS的相關資料,現報道如下。

1 資料與方法




針吸方法:對腫塊采用配有七號針頭的5 mL一次性注射器,用0.5~1.5 mL的小負壓徒手常規針吸法。塗片幹燥後用Wright-Ginemsa染色液染色10 min,流水衝洗自然幹燥後,使用OLYMPUS-BX51顯微鏡,遵循從低倍到高倍到油鏡的順序,仔細觀察塗片,分析總結細胞學特征。