[摘要] 目的 提高彩超在空腔髒器腸腫瘤診斷方麵的應用價值。 方法 2009年1月~2014年9月在體檢中發現19例結腸腫瘤患者,對其聲像圖表現、彩色多普勒、頻譜多普勒血流參數和臨床病理資料進行回顧性分析。 結果 19例術後經病理證實為淋巴瘤1例,餘18例為結腸癌。17例聲像圖表現為腸管壁不均勻增厚,約0.8~1.9 cm,2例出現腹腔內包塊,可觸及,較硬,活動度差,彩色多普勒顯示:15例病灶可探及血流信號,頻譜多普勒Vmax:(12~29)cm/s。RI:0.55~0.78。 結論 彩超對空腔髒器腸腫瘤診斷可提供重要依據,也可用於體檢篩查。
[關鍵詞] 大腸癌;聲像圖;多普勒
[中圖分類號] R735.34 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0094-03
The diagnosis of 19 cases colorectal cancer by color ultrasound ultrasound
WEI Xiaomin
Department of Ultrasound, Anshan Central Hospital in Liaoning Province, Anshan 114001, China
[Abstract] Objective To improve the application of color ultrasound in the diagnosis of cavity organs and intestinal tumors. Methods A total of 19 cases were diagnosed colon cancer in physical examination from January 2009 to September 2014, and ultrasonogram, color doppler, spectral doppler parameters and other clinical and pathological data were retrospectively analyzed. Results 19 patients after surgery and pathology confirmed 1 case of lymphoma and 18 cases of colon cancer. Ultrasonogram of 17 cases showed uneven thickening of the intestinal wall, about 0.8-1.9 cm. 2 cases had palpable, hard and poor-activity intra-abdominal mass. Color doppler showed that blood flow could be detected in 15 cases of lesions with spectral doppler Vmax (12-29) cm/s and (0.55-0.78) RI. Conclusion Color ultrasound can provide an important basis for the diagnosis of hollow organs and intestinal tumors, and it can also be used for medical screening.
[Key words] Colorectal cancer; Ultrasonogram; Doppler
1 資料與方法
1.1 一般資料
1.2 儀器與方法