[摘要] 目的 探討如何合理調控利用血液資源,減少血液資源浪費,使其得到合理高效的利用。 方法 統計我站自2008~2014年間血液成分製備、冰凍血漿的臨床使用及冰凍血漿的累計庫存情況。 結果 隨著成分輸血的臨床開展,我站成分製備率在2014年已達96.69%,臨床成分輸血比例已達99.12%,冰凍血漿製備量也逐年上升,但使用量卻呈逐年下降趨勢,與製備量極不成比例,導致庫存量逐年遞增,目前已達1 245 900 mL。 結論 過剩的血漿給我站帶來極大的存儲壓力和即將麵臨過期報廢的困境,致使寶貴的血液資源不能得到合理高效利用。
[關鍵詞] 全血;成分輸血;冰凍血漿;病毒滅活冰凍血漿;庫存量
[中圖分類號] R457.12 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0119-03
An analysis on how to properly regulate resources of blood components and avoid waste of blood
Heihe Central Blood Station in Heilongjiang Province, Heihe 164300, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore how to properly regulate and make use of blood resources and reduce waste of blood resources, so as to achieve proper and effective application. Methods Information on preparation of blood components, clinical application of frozen plasma, and accumulated stock of frozen plasma in our station from 2008 to 2014 was collected. Results With the clinical development of blood component transfusion, the component preparation rate in our station had reached up to 96.69% in 2014, the proportion of clinical component transfusion had come to 99.12%, and the preparation amount of frozen plasma increased year by year. However, the application amount had a declining trend annually, which was unproportionate with the preparation amount. This caused an annually increasing stock, which had so far reached 1 245 900 mL. Conclusion Excessive plasma has brought about great storage pressure and the dilemma of facing the plasma being expired, which may lead to the fact that valuable blood resources can not be applied properly and effectively.