正文 高血壓伴腦出血的預後相關因素調查分析及護理對策(1 / 3)




[摘要] 目的 探討高血壓伴腦出血的預後相關因素調查分析及護理對策情況。 方法 分析收治的150例高血壓腦出血患者臨床資料。采用收集資料和查閱文獻的方法,對高血壓腦出血患者的影響預後因素進行觀察。按照ADL評分情況,分為神經功能恢複良好組:患者處於Ⅰ級、Ⅱ級、Ⅲ級;神經功能恢複不良組:患者處於Ⅳ級、Ⅴ級、Ⅵ級。結果 高血壓伴腦出血患者術前血糖值、術前白細胞計數、術前血腫量、手術時機與ADL評級呈現明顯的負相關;高血壓伴腦出血患者術前 GCS 評分、血腫破入腦室、肺部感染與ADL評級呈現明顯的正相關(P

[關鍵詞] 高血壓;腦出血;相關因素;調查分析;護理

[中圖分類號] R651.1;R473.74 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0132-04

Research, analysis and nursing methods of relevant factors of prognosis of hypertension with cerebral hemorrhage

HUANG Suqin1 TONG Qiaowei2 FANG Zhihong2

1.Department of Internal Medicine, Pujiang Traditional Chinese Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Pujiang 322200,China; 2.Department of Internal Medicine,Luqiao Hospital of Taizhou Enze Medical Center (Group)in Zhejiang Province,Taizhou 318050,China

[Abstract] Objective To discuss research, analysis and nursing methods of relevant factors of prognosis of hypertension with cerebral hemorrhage. Methods A total of 150 cases of clinical information of hypertensive patients with cerebral hemorrhage, who were received and cured, were analyzed, and the prognostic factors of of hypertensive patients with cerebral hemorrhage were observed by the method of collecting information and reviewing documents. The patients were divided into good neurological recovery group (Levels Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ) and bad neurological recovery group (Levels Ⅳ,Ⅴ and Ⅵ) in accordance with ADL scores. Results Blood sugar value, amount of white blood cell, hematoma volume and operative time of hypertensive patients with cerebral hemorrhage before the operation were showed obvious negative relativity with ADL levels, while the GCS score, hematoma broken into ventricles and pulmonary infection were showed obvious positive relativity with ADL levels(P

[Key words] Hypertension; Cerebral hemorrhage; Relative factors; Research analysis; Nursing
