正文 頸椎牽引器和馬蹄型俯臥枕頭在視網膜脫離患者術後護理中的應用(1 / 3)




[摘要] 目的 探討頸椎牽引器和馬蹄型俯臥枕頭在視網膜脫離患者術後護理中的應用效果。 方法 將浙江省台州醫院2011年1月~2013年6月收治的336例視網膜脫離患者隨機分為觀察組及對照組,每組168例,觀察組術後采用頸椎牽引器將額麵部支撐,同時采用俯臥枕頭支撐頭部,對照組患者僅給予常規俯臥體位,觀察兩組患者俯臥位時間、疼痛程度及並發症情況。 結果 觀察組患者術後每天俯臥位時間[(12.86±2.17) vs (5.89±0.99)]h、俯臥位睡眠時間[(7.99±1.36) vs (4.86±0.79)]h顯著長於對照組,差異有統計學意義(P

[關鍵詞] 頸椎牽引器;馬蹄型俯臥枕頭;視網膜脫離

[中圖分類號] R779.6 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0140-03

The application of cervical traction and horseshoe-shaped prostrate pillow retina detachment patients in postoperative care

LI Ping1 ZHOU Sudan1 SUN Zhuzhu1 GAN Shengwei2

1.Eye and Mouth Center,Zhejiang Taizhou Hospital,Taizhou 317000,China;2.Department of Ophthalmology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 200025,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the application results of cervical traction and horseshoe-shaped pillow in retinal detachment patients prostrate postoperative care. Methods All 336 cases of retinal detachment patients were randomly divided into observation group(n=168)and control group(n=168) from Zhejiang Taizhou Hospital in January 2011 to June 2013. The observation group were treatment with the face amount of cervical traction device will support both the prostrate pillow supporting the head and the control group were treatmented with conventional prone position. The prone position time, the degree of pain and complications of two groups were observed. Results The patients prone position time(12.86±2.17 vs 5.89±0.99)h, prone sleep time(7.99±1.36 vs 4.86±0.79)h of observation group were longer than the control group(P

[Key words] Cervical traction; Horseshoe prostrate pillow; Retinal detachment



