正文 枇杷不同器官及不同物候4種三萜酸含量的動態變化(1 / 3)




[摘要] 為考察4種三萜酸成分在枇杷各器官中分布,揭示不同物候枇杷葉三萜酸動態變化規律,觀測枇杷物候,采集花、果實以及不同物候期的葉;采用高效液相色譜法測定熊果酸、齊墩果酸、科羅索酸和山楂酸含量。結果表明,4種三萜酸在所測樣品器官中的質量分數高低順序為落葉(232 mg·g-1)>成熟葉(217 mg·g-1)>嫩葉(175 mg·g-1)>果肉(736 mg·g-1)>花 (640 mg·g-1),種子中未檢出這4種三萜酸成分;在枇杷樹萌芽、現蕾、開花、結果等不同物候采收的枇杷葉中4種三萜酸總量發生小幅波動,落葉變化範圍178~262 mg·g-1,成熟葉變化範圍在165~235 mg·g-1,嫩葉變化範圍在147~215 mg·g-1。隨葉片發育、成熟、衰老,三萜酸含量有所增加;不同物候階段對枇杷葉幹物質積累及4種三萜酸含量產生一定影響。枇杷成熟葉在果實膨大時的幹物質和三萜酸積累較多。文章對地域分布廣泛的枇杷等植物藥在次生代謝產物和采收期等相關研究上具有一定參考作用。

[關鍵詞] 枇杷;物候;不同器官;三萜酸;動態變化

[Abstract] The loquat is widely cultivated in China, its succulent fruits, leaves and flower are used as a traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases. The study is aimed to analyse the content of the four triterpene compounds ( ursolic acid, corosolic acid, maslinic acid, oleanolic acid) in different organs, and investigate the dynamic changes in different phenological period. The triterpenic acids content in the samples was measured by HPLC based on the plant phenological observations. The results showed that order of four triterpenic acids content in different organs from high to low was defoliation (23.2 mg·g-1)>mature leaves (21.7 mg·g-1)>young leaves (17.5 mg·g-1)>fruits (7.36 mg·g-1) >flowers (6.40 mg·g-1). The triterpenic acids were not detected in the seeds. The total amount of the four triterpenic acids in the loquat leaves collected in the different phenological stages of sprout, flower bud, blossom and fruit varied between 17.8 and 26.2 mg·g-1(defoliation), 16.5 and 23.5 mg·g-1(mature leaves), 14.7 and 21.5 mg·g-1(young leaves), respectively. The content increased progressively with the leaf development, maturation and aging. There was a higher level of the dry material and triterpenic acids accumulation in the mature leaves during fruit enlargement. This paper attempts to present the case for medicinal plants of a broad geographical distribution to study on the secondary metabolites and harvesting time.

[Key words] loquat; phenology; different organs; triterpenic acids; dynamic changes

枇杷Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.)Lindl.是薔薇科蘋果亞科枇杷屬木本植物,四季常青,全身皆可入藥[1]。枇杷產甘肅、陝西、河南、江蘇、安徽、浙江、江西、湖北、湖南、四川、雲南、貴州、廣西、廣東、福建、台灣[2];福建、浙江、安徽、江蘇等地是栽培枇杷的主產區[3]。我國地域遼闊,枇杷分布廣泛。近年來多有文獻進行枇杷三萜酸(triterpene acids)的藥理活性[4-6]、提取分離分析[7-9]及飲片加工和製劑研究[10-11],也有對不同采收期枇杷葉、枇杷花質量的研究[12-13]。但少見對不同生長階段的葉片(如嫩葉、成熟葉和落葉)、不同器官以及與物候關聯起來的動態研究。三萜酸在葉、花、果肉和核間有著怎樣分布?在葉片不同生長階段三萜酸有無變化?枇杷樹萌芽、展葉、現蕾、開花和結果的生命活動是否影響枇杷葉中三萜酸含量積累?這些問題鮮見報道。本研究在前期工作[14]基礎上,通過對校園內枇杷物候期的觀察,以枇杷葉中含量較高的熊果酸(ursolic acid)、科羅索酸(corosolic acid)、山楂酸(maslinic acid)和齊墩果酸(oleanolic acid)為檢測指標成分,采用高效液相色譜法(HPLC),考察4種三萜酸在枇杷葉、花、果實和果核中分布,並分析其隨不同物候現象在枇杷葉中的變化,以期揭示枇杷不同器官及不同物候4種三萜酸含量的動態變化規律,也為其他藥用植物相關研究提供參考。