[摘要] 為了規範鐵皮石斛采收方式,提高藥材質量與產量,通過田間試驗、多糖與浸出物含量的測定,比較保留母條與全采2種采收方式對鐵皮石斛農藝性狀、產量與質量的影響。結果表明,采收方式顯著地影響鐵皮石斛生長,保留母條能顯著地促進鐵皮石斛萌蘖數和莖長、莖節數、莖節間距的生長,提高單位麵積莖鮮重、葉鮮重、總鮮重、莖幹重,對莖粗、莖中多糖含量沒有促進作用。鐵皮石斛采收過程中,適度保留部分母條,有利於促進新芽萌動與生長,提高鐵皮石斛藥材的產量,並可通過調整栽培密度與光照保證多糖含量。
[關鍵詞] 鐵皮石斛;采收方式;農藝性狀;產量;多糖;浸出物
[Abstract] To standardize the harvest ways of Dendrobium officinale and improve the quality and yield of D. officinale, a field experiment was carried out to study the effect of two kinds of harvest ways, which were keeping some of the axial shoot and harvesting all of the shoot by the end of the year. Then, the agronomic traits and yield were measured and the contents of polysaccharides and extractum were determined. The results showed that the harvest ways significantly affected the growth of D. officinale. Keeping some of the axial shoot could significantly improved the number of sprout, stem length, internode number and the internodal length, which also triggered increase the weight of fresh stems, leaves and the total of them and dry stems in per unit area, but it could not promote the stem diameter and the polysaccharide content in stems. Keeping some of the axial shoot moderately was conducive to the improvement of the production of medicinal materials in the process of harvesting by promoting the germination and growth of new buds, and to ensure the polysaccharide content by regulating the illumination and the density of cultivation.