正文 牛蒡子苷元對自發性糖尿病GK大鼠合並高血壓大血管病變的保護作用(1 / 3)



作者:馮芹 孫寶存 夏文凱

[摘要] 探討牛蒡子苷元對自發性糖尿病(goto-kakizaki,GK)大鼠合並高血壓大血管病變的保護作用。將6周齡GK大鼠按血糖水平隨機分為模型組,牛蒡子苷元低、中、高劑量組(12.5,25,50 mg·kg-1),以Wistar大鼠作為正常組。所有GK大鼠飼喂高糖高脂飼料,16周後灌胃10 mg·kg-1·d-1L-N-硝基精氨酸甲酯(L-NAME)連續8周。造模同時各組動物每天上下午灌胃給藥2次,模型組和正常組灌溶劑。實驗開始、中期及結束期檢測血糖,實驗結束前檢測血壓,麻醉後腹主動脈采血檢測血常規,放血後取胸主動脈固定製作石蠟切片,觀察形態,免疫組化方法檢測血管內皮生長因子(VEGF)表達。結果顯示,所有GK大鼠血糖持續升高,給藥組與模型組相比沒有明顯差別,實驗結束時GK大鼠血壓顯著升高,牛蒡子苷元可以明顯降低GK大鼠血壓,且具有劑量依賴性。血常規檢測結果顯示GK大鼠白細胞總數及分類計數均升高,血小板參數異常,PLT 減少,MPV,PDW 增高,牛蒡子苷元可以顯著降低白細胞總數和分類計數,降低MPV,PDW。胸主動脈形態學觀察發現GK大鼠血管內膜病變明顯,牛蒡子苷元可以減輕病變程度,VEGF免疫組化染色結果表明模型組GK大鼠VEGF表達較多,牛蒡子苷元各劑量組表達較少。結果表明牛蒡子苷元對GK大鼠大血管具有保護作用,機製可能與降低血壓、抗炎、改善血小板功能、減少VEGF表達有關。

[關鍵詞] GK大鼠;胸主動脈;血壓;白細胞計數;血小板參數;血管內皮生長因子;牛蒡子苷元

[Abstract] To study the protective effect of Arctigenin in goto-kakizaki (GK) rats combined with hypertension macroangiopathy. Six-week-old GK rats were divided randomly according to blood glucose level into four groups: the model group and low, middle and high dose arctigenin groups (12.5, 25, 50 mg·kg-1), with Wistar rats as the normal group. All of GK rats were given high-glucose and high-fat diet. After 16 weeks, GK rats were orally administrated with 10 mg·kg-1·d-1N-ω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester for eight weeks. During the modeling, all of arctigenin groups were orally administrated with different dose of arctigenin twice a day; The model group and the normal group were given solvents. At the beginning, mid-term and end of the experiment, blood glucose was measured. At the end of the experiment, efforts were made to detect blood pressure, collect abdominal aortic blood after anesthesia, fix thoracic aorta after bloodletting to make paraffin sections, observe morphological characteristics and detect the expression of VEGF by immunohistochemistry. According to the results, the blood glucose rose in all GK rats, with no significant difference between the drug group and the model group. At the end of the experiment, the blood pressure significantly increased in GK rats, indicating that Arctigenin could notably reduce the blood pressure in GK rats in a dose-dependent manner. The blood routine test showed increases in both the total white blood cell count and differential blood count, MPV and PDW, abnormal blood platelet parameters and decrease in PLT in GK rats, suggesting that Arctigenin could remarkably reduce the total white blood cell count and differential blood count, MPV and PDW. The thoracic aortic morphological observation revealed obvious endangium lesions in GK rats, demonstrating that Arctigenin could ameliorate the lesion extent. VEGF immumohistochemical staining showed a higher VEGF expression in the model group but lower expression in Arctigenin groups. In conclusion, Arctigenin had a protective effect on aorta in GK rats. Its mechanism may be related to blood pressure lowering, anti-inflammation, improvement in blood platelet function and reduction of VEGF expression.

[Key words] GK rat; thoracic aorta; blood pressure; blood white count; blood platelet parameters; vascular endothelial growth factor; arctigenin

糖尿病大血管病變是2 型糖尿病(T2DM)最常見的慢性並發症之一,包括心、腦血管病變和下肢血管病變。心血管事件和卒中是T2DM致死的主要原因,而合並高血壓明顯增加糖尿病人的心腦血管事件發生率[1]。亞臨床性炎症與糖尿病腎髒病變和大血管並發症密切相關,白細胞計數是炎症反應的標誌,白細胞參與大血管病變發展[2]。血小板質與量的變化和內皮細胞功能紊亂在2 型糖尿病血管並發症的發生和發展過程中起著重要作用。血小板活化、黏附、聚集於內皮損傷部位,釋放生長因子,促進平滑肌的增殖,導致動脈粥樣硬化,引起糖尿病大血管病變[3]。

牛蒡子Arctium lappa L.為菊科牛蒡屬植物牛蒡的幹燥果實,是常用中藥,具有疏散風熱,宣肺透疹,利咽散結,解毒消腫之功效,屬於解表藥中發散風熱藥。牛蒡子中含量最高的是木脂素成分,其中牛蒡子苷的含量遠較其他成分高,牛蒡子苷元為牛蒡子分解後的產物,為牛蒡子的主要活性成分[4]。研究表明牛蒡子苷元可以抑製高糖刺激大鼠係膜細胞血管內皮生長因子(VEGF)表達[5],牛蒡子的主要成分木脂素能抑製血小板活化[6],牛蒡子醇提取物還可以抑製非酶糖基化產物的形成[7]。本研究觀察了牛蒡子苷元對自發性糖尿病(goto-kakizaki,GK)大鼠合並高血壓大血管病變胸主動脈形態學、VEGF表達的影響,觀察牛蒡子苷元對白細胞總數及分類計數、血小板參數的影響,為臨床治療糖尿病大血管病變提供依據。

1 材料

1.1 動物


1.2 儀器

Cell-Dyn3700血液分析儀(美國雅培公司),One-Touch穩捷Ⅱ型血糖儀(美國強生公司),BP-98A型智能無創血壓計(日本Softron),圖像采集卡(佳能中國,Canon Utilities係統)。

1.3 藥品

牛蒡子苷元(純度>99%,魯南製藥集團中藥製藥共性技術國家重點實驗室提供),N-硝基-L-精氨酸甲酯(L-NAME)(Sigma公司),小鼠抗大鼠血管內皮生長因子抗體(Santa Cruz公司),酶標羊抗小鼠抗體、DAB顯色試劑盒(武漢博士德生物工程有限公司)。