正文 苦參凝膠聯合氟康唑膠囊治療黴菌性陰道炎的臨床觀察(1 / 3)




[摘要] 黴菌性陰道炎為婦科常見病、多發病,臨床易反複發作,給患者帶來極大痛苦。本研究通過觀察苦參凝膠聯合氟康唑膠囊治療黴菌性陰道炎的臨床療效,旨在尋求一種治療黴菌性陰道炎的有效方法。筆者將2012年12月—2014年7月本院就診的85例黴菌性陰道炎患者隨機分為治療組43例和對照組42例,治療組給予苦參凝膠陰道上藥,每晚1次,每次1支,7 d為1個療程,連用14 d,同時口服氟康唑膠囊治療,每次150 mg,每3天1次,共4次;對照組單純給予口服氟康唑膠囊治療。觀察2組患者的總體療效、治愈率、複發率及臨床症狀改善情況。結果顯示治療組和對照組的總有效率、治愈率和複發率分別為97.7%,90.7%,2.6%;83.3%,71.4%,20.0%。2組相比差異具有統計學意義(P

[關鍵詞] 黴菌性陰道炎;苦參凝膠;氟康唑膠囊

[Abstract] Mycotic vaginitis is a common and frequently-occurring gynaecopathia and easy to attack repeatedly, so painful to patients. In this study, the authors observed the clinical efficacy of Sophora gel combined with Fluconazole capsules in treating mycotic vaginitis, in order to seek an effective method for treating mycotic vaginitis. Totally 85 patients with mycotic vaginitis treated in our hospital between December 2012 and July 2014 were randomly divided into the treatment group (43 patients) and the control group (42 patients). The treatment group was given vaginally Sophora gel (one piece every night for 14 days) and orally Fluconazole capsules (150 mg, once every three days, four times in total); The control group was only administered with Fluconazole capsules. The total efficacy, cure rate, recurrence rate and clinical symptom improvements of the two groups were observed. The results show that the total efficacy, the cure rate and the recurrence rate of the treatment group vs. the control group were respectively 97.7%, 90.7% and 2.6% vs. 83.3%, 71.4% and 20.0%, with statistical significance in their differences (P

[Key words] mycotic vaginitis; Sophora gel; Fluconazole capsules