正文 金天格膠囊在老年骨質疏鬆椎體壓縮性骨折中的應用(1 / 3)




[摘要] 探討金天格膠囊在老年骨質疏鬆椎體壓縮骨折中的臨床應用。選擇2012年1月—2014年6月浙江省立同德醫院住院治療的69例老年骨質疏鬆椎體壓縮性骨折患者,將患者按照隨機數表法分為對照組及治療組,對照組接受經皮球囊擴張椎體後凸成形術(PKP)治療,治療組則在對照組治療方案的基礎上加用金天格膠囊進行治療。分別在術前進行訪視並在術後3個月進行隨訪,觀察並比較2組患者的椎體高度、Cobb′s、骨密度、視覺模擬評分(VAS)及Oswestry功能障礙指數。結果發現,與治療前相比,2組患者在術後3個月隨訪時椎體高度、Cobb′s角、骨密度、VAS評分及Oswestry功能障礙指數均較治療前顯著改善(P

[關鍵詞] 金天格膠囊;骨質疏鬆;椎體壓縮性骨折

[Abstract] To study the clinical application of Jintian′ge capsule in treatment of vertebral compression fracture in senile osteoporosis patients. In the study, 69 senile osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture patients hospitalized in our hospital between January 2012 and June 2014 were selected and randomly divided into the control group and the treatment group. Patients in the control group were treated by percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP), while those in the treatment group were given Jintian′ge capsule in addition to PKP. Efforts were made to visit the patients before the surgery and in three month after that, observe and compared the vertebral height, Cobb′s angle, bone density, visual analogue scale (VAS) and Oswestry disability index between patients in the two groups. According to the findings, compared with before the treatment, patients in the two groups showed significant improvements in the vertebral height, Cobb′s angle, bone density, VAS and Oswestry disability index three months after the surgery (P

[Key words] Jintian′ge capsule; osteoporosis; vertebral compression fracture


1 資料

1.1 一般資料

本研究選取於2012年1月—2014年6月於浙江省立同德醫院骨傷科進行住院治療的骨質疏鬆椎體壓縮性骨折老年患者69例為研究對象。其中男性37例,女性42例,平均年齡(65.19±6.30)歲。69例患者中單椎病變者60例,2個椎體病變者9例,共有病椎78個。發生部位分布:胸11者11椎,胸12者25椎,腰1者22椎,腰2者16椎,腰4者4椎。骨折發生時間分布為69例患者新鮮骨折53例,陳舊性骨折16例。所有患者均未出現脊髓及神經根受損的表現,且均能堅持俯臥30 min以上。